Did you know that more than 100,000 people move each
year in the Twin Cities Metro Area?
New Movers provide an excellent opportunity to attract new and loyal customers.
Because New Movers are in the process of forming new shopping habits and are seeking out businesses and services to fill their needs.
As a result, New Movers outspend existing homeowners by a wide margin during the initial first few years of moving to the area.
Our New mover programs are noted for their low cost per acquisition; some of our clients are acquiring a new customer for less than $50.
We can help your business create awareness among New Movers shortly after they move into their new residence.
We can help you reach New Movers within the first 60 days which has been proven to be dramatically more cost effective than reaching an existing homeowner.
Let us design an attractive offer unique for your business that will entice the new homeowner to take action.

Mails to 3,600 new movers in 400K+ Single Family Dwellings during the next 12 months or approximately 250 – 350 new movers per month in the assigned area. This program will Ship each month to Uses until 3,000 new movers have been mailed.

- New Movers want to shop locally and usually develop over 50 new business relationships
within the first year of moving in. - New Movers tend to spend more in the first 3-6 months on their new home than they will
in the next 3 years. - Over 20% of New Movers say they rely more on local businesses than they did before.
- Over 40% of New Movers make purchases after visiting a business in person.
- New Movers on average will spend $10,000 or more on goods and services in the first year than the person who remains in an existing home.

Reaching New Movers through direct mail remains a very cost effective marketing solution. In fact, most New Movers like receiving direct mail as it relates to their new community. Direct mail is a high impact form of communication and a proven marketing channel to acquire New Movers. Let our 25+ years of New mover marketing experience work for you.

New Mover Mailing area is designated as:
▪ Maple Grove (55311 & 55369)
▪ Brooklyn Park (55445)
▪ Champlin (55316)
▪ Plymouth (55446 & 55442)
▪ Dayton (55327)
Mail Piece Size:
▪ 7” x 20” roll folded down to final size of 7” x 5”
▪ 3.5” x 5” ads (4-6 available)
▪ 5” x 7” ads (2-4 available)
** ad sizes are approximate